Welcome to Covenant Fellowship Baptist Church
We are a church family made up of people from all kinds of different backgrounds from across multiple generations. We believe that worship is more about focusing on God than a style of music. Because no one type of music facilitates worship for everyone, we use a blended style of worship. On a typical Sunday, we might sing a hymn or two, but we'll also sing some more modern worship songs. Both of our worship services are identical in style and we would love to have you join us for either one at 9:00 AM or at 10:30 AM.
What We Believe
We believe lots of things, but most centrally, we believe that Jesus is God in human flesh, and that by His grace, and through faith in Him, we find life - abundant and eternal. Click this section or the others to learn more about each one. -
Our Mission
We exist to Connect with Christ and to Care for our Community. Our Vision is to be a family of believers, whose connection with Christ transforms our priorities, our relationships, and our communities. More specifically, we feel led to build and Make Room for a greater congregation of believers. Scroll down to learn more. -
Make a Donation
We've been blessed with a really generous church that loves to give and to serve others. If you'd like to partner with us by contributing financially, we promise to put your money to good use.